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I'm jumping on the Kyary band wagon and admitting that Kyary is
extremely amazing, I love her to death, idolize her, and am willing
to spend some of my future income on her stuff.
For those of you who don't know Kyary ... remember this?
Yesssss, this was Kyary's first debut into the music industry.
Before that her whole career started when she was just a fashion blogger then
got discovered and became a model. She has her own line of eyelashes too.
I can't wait to hunt down a site that might sell them!(*´▽`*)
At first I just thought of her as another pretty face but I don't know what
suddenly got me interested in her. It could of been the song, I do love
all of Yasutaka Nakata's work after all.
(Capsule, Perfume, other artists and now Kyary)
I actually had made a post about him on here.
It could be the fact that she makes the ugliest faces when she
chooses to ... she's also known for that.
I love it especially when she rolls her eyeballs completely upwards ...
As silly as this might sound within my own group of friends I'm also
known to make such horrendous faces, which makes me relate to Kyary even more.
She's not scared to show her ugly side, literally.
Another reason for my sudden infatuation is the fact that I'm exposed
to Kyary every single day because of tumblr. I would say 80%
of the people I follow love Kyary and they end up reblogging anything
Kyary related. I also decided to go through Kyary's personal blog a week
ago, and LOVED IT.
Her blog: Click here!
Whatever started this infatuation for Kyary ... I hope it continues on.
Never has a song lighten up my mood as much as PONPONPON does.
I'm going to be honest and say that it makes my eyes watery with joy.
Actually, I have had stuff like that happen with my other favorite artists ...
I wish I remembered which songs from them did the trick.
I think I remember at least two ... 'The Music' by capsule and
'Polyrythm' by Perfume. I remember going through these emotions
with Miyavi, Despairs Ray, Mucc, Asian Kung Fu Generation, and Yui.
I don't know what it is ... and other people question it too.
My boyfriend hates PONPONPON and literally had a headache after I showed
him the video/song. You know you would think the video had part in the
headache but it didn't. He said the song kept going on loop in his
head and it started to really annoy him. I was like, "Damnnn"
I thought he was being a baby, but playing the song again while he was
in another room had him go crazy in the same fashion, and it was just the song.
(* ̄m ̄)
What celebrity, model, musician, or person
are you inspired by at the moment?
ALL photos are uploads from various tumblr users.
These videos are from girls who participated in EGL's theme
in April.
Its very interesting seeing the dramatic transformation
once a person applies makeup and wears a wig. :D
I find it inspiring, especially when you feel like you have
no chance in looking like the ones you idolize yet ...
when you discover your own beauty you realize that
you've had it in you the entire time.
(Though, not to say that makeup should define your overall
beauty ... its just a part of it.)
Does watching these videos inspire you?
If your into this kind of stuff I mean.
Hellooooo! o:
I went to go check the last time I made a post and it was on June 22nd ...
Today's July 21st. DDD:
Honestly, I did not realize how fast time flies!
Especially when you get carried away with certain things.
I'm not aware of when it happened but I believe a month ago I started
to struggle with one of my classes. I should of went to a tutor to begin
with but at the time I felt confident that I didn't need any extra help.
Eventually I had to put my pride or whatever aside and go after that extra help. x:
I don't know what it is about some us who are either too terrified or too modest
or too prideful to ask for help. This applies to any situation. For me I
suppose its just that I'm too polite and it causes me to not want to bother anyone.
Also, I fear that I might create a bad experience just by bothering someone.
Fears like, What if I encounter a mean, rude tutor? or when you
think about asking your friends for help What if I annoy them or what if they think I'm a pest?
Those types of thoughts are inevitable, persistent, and they linger around.
Though, they can't be helped. We naturally worry about any little thing that might cause a disturbance. All we could ever want is to just avoid any form of trouble, by any means. :c No one likes to take risks no matter how petty or
serious they are. Funny thing is, we've all looked at someone else and
rolled our eyes at how they can't overcome something that we're able
to overcome easily. It's very difficult to understand others, even when you
actually try to understand how they think. That's one of the reasons
I guess to why people rarely ask for help ... due to the fact
that not everyone may understand you.
Looking back on my post from June (Nachi's 20th birthday) ...
On that same week I had went to an anime con and was suppose to write
a post about it.
I'll take advantage now and show you guys the outfit I wore.
Outfit: • Wig: Ebay • Headbow and JSK: Dream of Lolita • Blouse: Bodyline • Socks: Secret Shop • Shoes: An*tai*na • Cinnamoroll bag: Ebay • Petticoat: DollscroPs • Acessories: Chocomint
Oh god, that day was just awesome. :D
I received so much attention that day, I've always thought
that con goers didn't care for lolitas. lol
A few people kept calling me cotton candy girl. xD
It was definitely a memorable day and I even went to a movie
theater in that outfit.
Note: This wig made me look VERY tan. I love the wig to death
but I'll never buy one similar to this. I'm gonna stick
to browns and blacks, even if it means black mixed with blonde or something.
Completed unrelated ... but,
Who has seen HP The Deathly Hollows Part 2? :D
I REALLY want to go see it but I still need to see Part 1.
I just haven't found anyone to watch part 1 with me and I just
haven't had the time.
Continuing on from this post. :3
The rest of the photos are somewhat not Star Wars related ...
While wandering around MGM Studios we were attempting to
find as many Star Wars related things as possible ...
Instead we enter a building and we find Minnie and Stitch
waiting to pose for some pictures(Piglet was outside of
the building). Nachi and I were very excited to see
no line for a picture with Minnie and Stitch.
Especially Minnie!
For introduction purposes this is Nachi's boyfriend, Carlos, wearing a
Boba Fett helmet. Eventually he almost had a heat stroke while wearing it
(I'm joking ) and took it off an hour later after wearing it. He then
started to throw the stuff he bought in it and carried it around with all his
goods in it.
(In all honesty, wearing that AP skirt nearly killed me as well. :x )
These sunglasses have seen their last camera,
they ended up breaking a few hours later.
It was probably a sign, Nachi and Tommy kept telling me
to take them off cause they didn't like them and personally I didn't either.
I felt not only happy because I got to pose with Piglet but weirded out. xD
When I approached him I immediately waved at him and he started
to touch my headband cause there was a little plastic cake on it.
He got excited and made giggling gestures then we hugged. During the
hug Piglet mushed his mouth onto my face (mind you his mouth took up
my entire face) and I heard a loud smooch. He kissed me. :'D
It made me smile and I felt special for some reason.
I've never had a Disney character do that so it felt weird.
I also don't know if its a male under that suit or female. lolol
According to Carlos (who works at Disney, thanks to him we were able
to attend Star Wars Weekend) he says that in order to work as characters like
Micky, Minnie, Piglet, Stitch, you have to be at least 5'0ft tall or 152 cm.
So he told us that they mostly hire girls to do those characters.
Once that was mentioned my group looked at me and agreed that I would be
perfect for that sort of job.
I'd LOVE to be a Disney mascot ...
It was a plush doll just strapped there. We did suspect for a second
whether it was a real infant. xD
Before we had our turn to take pictures with Minnie there was this
family before us who had this really adorable toddler who wouldn't let go
of Minnie. ;__; She kept yelling out "Minnie!" in a very enthusiastic tone
and she kept saying, "I love you! I love you Minnie mouse!!" Oh God, it
was heart breaking! Minnie kept spoiling the toddler with hugs and the little
girl kept giggling with happiness. It was the sweetest thing to watch.
Stitch was another character who tried to do his way with me.
Right after the picture was taken Stitch lightly pushes away Tommy
and walks off with me while holding onto my arm. Nachi yells out, "
He's trying to take your woman away!" We didn't go very far as Stitch
had to return back. It was probably the Lolita skirt or something that
were making these characters like me so much. After going through that
I told Nachi that I was definitely going to be in Lolita on my next visit
to Disney.
Apparently, Stitch was trying to hook up with all the young ladies.
He did the same thing to Nachi that Piglet did to me but instead of a kiss
Stitch made a loud licking noise. lolol Again, I question which gender
might be hiding underneath the suits.
With Carlos all Stitch did was knock on his helmet. lol
What if you had the chance to work as Disney
character? Would you do it? and if so which character?
It seems like I talk to much about Disney. D: