4 weeks ago I bought her mini-album Moshi Moshi Harajuku and I bought
it on the same day it released! ACTUALLY. The previous post was made on the
day when I bought it! It was immediately right after the post when I noticed
the mini-album was released and there were only a few copies left of the
limited edition on CD Japan. ;A;
I'm broke because of it but ... I couldn't be happier! It came in 2 days ago
and it took so long because I paid for the cheapest shipping which was SAL.
Next time I'm going to get Kyary stuff from Yesasia instead. :\
This limited edition is a photo album that comes with an attached envelope
inside that holds in the CD. I did not expect the CD to be decorated with
falsies, which made me want to go stare at Kyary's falsies line.
The photo album was fun to look at, though I had seen most of the pictures
on tumblr already! ;-; Well except for this one:

As for the tracks ... I LOVE THEM ALL. I had listened to the whole thing
right when it was released over on youtube and I must say ... all the
songs are extremely adorable. I'm not usually into super cutesy music
but I have my exceptions. And Kyary is one of them. (and Tommy February6)
I can't honestly say I recommend this if only your into it ...
I usually just recommend stuff that I have a feeling most people might like.
Sometimes I get the feeling that people feel weird while listening to cutesy
stuff but if you were really hooked on PONPONPON and your a fan of 80s inspired,
bubblegum pop, then I highly recommend Kyary's mini-album.
The next thing I plan on getting from her is her autobiography ...
Oh! My! God! Harajuku Girl.
I am no contemplating getting it ! tehehe but moneyyyy T~T ! And ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I love Tommy February6 too :D ! But I think I prefer Tommy Heavenly6 xP
The packaging is so cute! I love how colorful it is! ^^
kyari pamyu pamyu! she's so famous these days, her CM is always aired on TV :D
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